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Publication Year
David Kehe
Writing Strategies: A Student-Centered Approach (2 vols)
David Kehe
Writing Strategies: A Student-Centered Approach - Teacher's Guide (2vols)
David Kehe
Write after Input: Developing paragraphs and compositions from listenings and readings
Lee Che P. Leong
Workforce Development Solutions: An excerpt of Washington State Primary Care Needs Assessment
Eric Davishahl
WIP: Large-scale Development and Deployment of Concept Questions in Statics
Eric Davishahl
WIP: Hands-On Statics in the Online “Classroom”
Eric Davishahl
WIP: Context Matters: A Comparative Study of Results of Common Concept Questions in Statics at Several Diverse Institutions
Whatcom Community College
Welcome to Art with Rob Beishline
Lee Che P. Leong
Washington State Primary Care Needs Assessment
David Kehe
Want Your Students to be More Likeable: Teach Follow-Up Questions
Harold G. Heiner
Walking the Whatcom Way: The First 30 Years
Kaatje Kraft
Using Near-Real-Time Monitoring Data from Pu'u'O'o Vent at Kilauea Volcano for Training and Educational Purposes
Jeff Klausman
Using an NPR Story to Demonstrate Integrating Sources in a Research Paper
David Kehe
Understanding Reasons for Cultural Differences Laying Groundwork for Acceptance of Others
Jeff Klausman
TYCA White Paper on Placement Reform
Jeff Klausman
Toward a Definition of a Writing Program at a Two-Year College: You Say You Want a Revolution?
English Department
Think Vertically: Essays For Inquiry, Analysis and Reflection (2nd ed).
David Kehe
They're Not Just Being Weird: Reasons for Cross-Cultural Misunderstandings
Kaatje Kraft
Theoretical Perspectives on Increasing Recruitment and Retention of Underrepresented Students in the Geosciences
Jeff Klausman
The Two-Year College Writing Program and Academic Freedom: Labor, Scholarship, and Compassion
Amy Amendt-Raduege
The Sweet and the Bitter: Death and Dying in J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings
Jason Babcock
The SEECRS Scholar Academy at Whatcom Community College: Three Cohorts of S-STEM Scholarships Later
Carl Willis-Ford
The Perceived Impact of Barriers to Retention on Women in CyberSecurity
The Noisy Water Review
Barry Maxwell
The NATO U.S.-German Multinational Corps: Command and Control Resources For Employment of Tactical Combat Forces
Dr. Sue Lonac
The Mainstreaming of American Queer Cinema
The Kumquat Challenge
Anita Harker
The Intersection of Gender, Sexuality, and Religion in Mormon Mixed-Sexuality Marriages
David Kehe
The Huge Advantage International Student Writers Have Over Their American Classmates
Howard Fuller
The Hospital Library Online--A Point of Service for Consumers and Hospital Staff: A Case Study
The Horizon
David Kehe
The Grammar Review Book: Discovering and Correcting Errors For Anyone Who Has Learned English By Ear
Kaatje Kraft
The Curious Construct of Active Learning
David Kehe
Teaching Tips. Smartphones, GPAs and Fluency Writing
David Kehe
Teaching Gerunds Versus Infinitives Inductively
Lee Singleton
Tactile Trigonometry: Improving Student Success with 3D-Printed Manipulatives
Eric Davishahl
Statics Modeling Kit: Hands-On Learning in the Flipped Classroom
Lee Che P. Leong
Special Populations: An excerpt of Washington State Primary Care Needs Assessment
Dr. Sue Lonac
Seattle Screen Scene Film Reviews
Eric Davishahl
Scaffolding Spatial Abilities in Integral Calculus
Anita Harker
Same-and Other-Sex Aversion and Attraction as Important Correlates of Quality and Outcomes of Mormon Mixed-Orientation Marriages
Jeff Klausman
Resurrecting the I-Search: Engaging Meaningful Student Scholarship
Jeff Klausman
Rendering the Idea of Writing Programs and Their Leadership at Two-Year Colleges
Kimberly Reeves
Raising Ryan: Living with Autism
Dr. Sue Lonac
Queer Literacy: Helping Students Navigate New Vocabularies
David Kehe
Professors Expectations of Foreign Students in Freshman-Level Courses
Harold G. Heiner
Our Time Together: Stories & Rhymes
Harold G. Heiner
Our Time Together: A Personal Retrospective
Barbara Hudson
Off the Wall: Classroom Assessments
Jeff Klausman
Not Just a Matter of Fairness: Adjunct Faculty and Writing Programs in Two-Year Colleges
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