Please upload a PDF of your activity, assignment, or syllabus, or use the field below to submit a hyperlink. We encourage you to consult this template for suggestions for what to include in your file to guide future instructors.
If you have additional files to upload, please email them to
The creator of this activity in a tangible form owns the copyright, provided you have not transfered copyright to another party such as a publisher. By selecting a license from the list below, you can specify the terms on which you allow others to use this activity.
This form provides authorization for the permanent addition of your teaching materials to the Salish Sea Curriculum Repository and the digital archives of Whatcom Community College.
By submitting your work, you are authorizing the college to display this work and you agree that the college has the non-exclusive right to make this work available for open access. You acknowledge that the submitted work is original work; that it properly cites the work of others; and that it contains all permissions for works (e.g. text excerpts, images, sound or video content, interview transcripts, observational studies) from third-party copyright holders (or indicates an open license) that are necessary to make the work openly accessible online. Submitted work will be optimized for discovery and open access on the web.