K-12 Salish Sea Curriculum

  • Learning in Places: "We are a collaborative network of educators, families, and community partners working to cultivate equitable, culturally thriving, socio-ecological systems learning and ethical decision-making using field-based science education in outdoor places, including gardens, for children in pre-kindergarten to 3rd grade and their families."
  • SeaDoc Society Curriculum: Explore the Salish Sea is a place- and project-based science curriculum.
  • Long Live the Kings: Survive the Sound Game: Survive the Sound is a free, interactive online game where students and the general public are invited to follow their favorite fish character as it migrates through Puget Sound.
  • Garden of the Salish Sea Curriculum: GSSC is a K-12 environmental science program that uses shellfish as a vehicle to teach marine science with hands-on learning through field experience.
  • Math First Peoples (First Nations Education Steering Committee): Grounded in the view that increased student success can be achieved through adjustments in pedagogy and approach that make mathematics feel more inclusive and engaging.
  • 13 Moons First Foods Resource Curriculum - PDF: This program is built on the definition of health, including environmental health, as founded on the cooperative relationships between humans, non-humans, and their environment.
  • Greater Victoria School District - Indigenous Education DepartmentThe purpose of the IED is to prioritize improved educational outcomes for Indigenous learners by promoting practices informed by Indigenous perspectives and ways of knowing.